Kid Fit Academy LLC 2
"Where Learning is Personal!"
Call Us 740-912-9230
Welcome to Kid Fit Academy preschool fitness and academics. Our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for your child that fosters physical, social emotional and cognitive development through fitness activities and academics. Parents, as a child’s first and most important teachers, are an important part of our program. While you are participating in the program, we hope to develop a partnership, between home and school , which benefits the development and growth of your child. We strongly encourage our parents to volunteer and visit in our classrooms, visit and try our evening fitness classes and even participate with your child! You are the best example of a healthy lifestyle for your child! We have teachers that are also personal trainers and experts in fitness that you can discuss health and fitness questions/concerns with.
Physical fitness and health is the core of our program and everything that your child experiences with us at Kid Fit will have some basis of health, exercise, physical fitness, healthy living, healthy eating with the knowledge that the key to a healthy life is to have not only a healthy body but also to have a healthy mind. This philosophy is supported through self esteem activities, team building activities, leaning how to be a good friend and community member. Kid Fit Academy’s academics is based on the child development model which incorporates the theories of Piaget, Montessori, Erickson, and other play based theorists. We support the philosophy that learning through play is how children most connect with their environment and the world around them. Children are respected as individuals within a child-oriented rather than teacher-directed program. The adults (teachers) in our program provide protection, security, stimulation, support, limits, choices and most of all affection and help build positive self esteem.
Another part of our program which helps build self esteem and a sense of a “positive self” is our acts of kindness projects. We will be continually participating in events and doing projects which help our community and those in need. Examples are having family volunteer nights at local animal shelters, nursing homes, and making care boxes for our soldiers that are deployed.
Child Safety
Our primary goal for children to feel safe and secure. Prior to being independent a child must know that he or she can depend on adults in a safe and predicable environment children are always treated with respect and kindness. We recognize that children develop at different rates and have different interest. Small group size and appropriate teacher-child ratios allow for meeting the individual needs of each child.
Children will participate through a variety of experiences. Activities are carefully planned and implemented in an open classroom setting using the Creative Curriculum, Healthy Children Healthy Lives Curriculum and implementing the Ohio Early Learning Development Standards. Children are free to choose from age-appropriate activities including art, music, language development, pre-math skills, pre-writing and writing skills, science and nature, dramatic play and physical fitness and the art of dance and movement. We also offer a lot of opportunities to participate in self esteem building activities, learn independence and problem solving skills as they make choices and assist in planning their environment and activities and by learning to be a part of a team.

Give us a call:
​Our Staff
Our lead teaching staff are degreed teachers with over 20 combined years of teaching experience.
Our teacher aides are certified and all enrolled in an early childhood program at the University.
Stay tuned for teacher's pictures and full biography's!
Owners: Amanda Atkins and Shannon Knece
